Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1:1 and 64 squares

I have just been informed that I am a finalist in Photographer's Forum's 28th Annual Spring Photography Contest! I entered submissions in both black/white and color categories; 10 total. They didn't tell me which one(s) put me in this standing. I'll keep you updated.

When I was in the Service, the only civilian contractors I had contact with were through dining facilities. They were easily identified by their yellow shirts. On Ft McNair, they were our KP only. Across the water at Ft Myer, it was a little old lady that ran the entire dining facility (dfac). She could be both bitter and sweet in the same running tirade. There wasn't a single soldier assigned to that location.

If contractors were any where else on these two posts, I didn't see them.

But, oh, how times have changed...

Military Contractors

Russia Never Wanted A War

A New Cold War?

Earthmine - JPL and Google Maps

Let us not forget that Georgia was the aggressor, not Russia. We continue to espouse the merits of democracy in practice, while turning a blind eye to the reality that even democratically elected officials are tyrants that subjugate their people and invade their neighbors.

Worldwide, elections are rarely won any more; they're stolen, often blatantly and complacently.

I can't help but see the hands of the biggest players rearranging their pieces, movements both subtle and obvious.

Ironically, the titles of these two photos are appropriate to the political stance of this post, while still holding true to their theological underpinnings.
Lie(ing) In Wait

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you. Keep me posted on the photo finals. Amomynous Also, thx for the GPS.