Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Felo de se

Sometimes people do the strangest of things. We had dinner a week ago; a gathering of friends over beer cheese soup and some pink, minty desert...both delicious. I'm still getting over the cold that seemed to move through the room. You left too much unanswered.

Even the act of solitary reading has been shown to increase ones feelings of connection to the world and relieve depression.
Free Online Libraries

Don't leave early, stay late, and take your time.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Direction We're Headed

It's interesting to me to see how my taste in politics has developed over the years. It's run the gamut from unimportant mumbo-jumbo and outdated ritual to finally fixing itself as grease to the machine. Sure, you could argue: "This is smooth?" With our constant simian fears of sticks and stones smashing us to pieces... a perpetual power struggle to be top primate... smooth enough I say.

Intentional alliteration aside, politics is communication; a language unto itself. You'd think that after millenia of use there'd be perfection. However, truth in politics is like oil and water, and historical adages remain appropriate.

*rolls eyes* here we go again. CUT. more exasperated this time...with feeling...go!

It's hard to really muster anything real. We're just too inundated and desensitized (which may be the plan.)

Honestly, I think we've been cowed; bred to consume and produce, pastured if we're lucky. Huddled together, all facing the same direction, narrowly aware of our surroundings and the lingering fear of inevitability.

Anybody for a stampede?

Russia Recognizes Georgian Rebels

UK to Monitor Everything

Futurese - The English Language in 3000 c.e.

Obama Assassination Plot Foiled

Analog Meets its Match - hi-res camera

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Olympic Experience

I'm not a big fanatic about athletics. To me, the Olympics is polite politics, just as war is impolite politics. In sixteen days of competition, I caught zero events. This time around, at least I can YouTube it. (I don't own a television)

Four years later they're going to package all that fun into another of the worlds notoriously crowded cities. Good luck, London.

Below is how I spent my Olympics. They're in no particular order, except the closing.

Sure, I have links for you.

China's Olympic Domination

Olympic Mania Fizzles

But that's it on that. My contribution: Collected Google images of the Olympics.

Something that matters...and some silliness

13 Days in August

Life in 2008 (40 yo prediction)

Things you cant do when you're rich

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This Just In!..

Here's the image that made me a finalist in the 28th Annual Spring Photography Contest sponsored by Photographer's Forum.

Winners and honorable mentions were to receive notification by August 15th. Nothing for me, but I did receive my last notice a month late. No worries either way; a finalist is a finalist, and with over 3000 competitors that's not so bad. I still get printed in their hardback.

The book doesn't do titles, which is probably a good thing. I struggled with this one. Originally, it was subject-order (common in my work) lewes_beach_113. As I developed it further, it became Low Tide Explorers, but that was too playful and obvious. I am Sand, the current title, is much more contemplative and it's meaning open to multiple interpretations.

The taxonomy of photos isn't always so hard.

Ironically, I was wearing shoes when I took this photo. None of the feet are mine.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Return from the Rubber City

The Brandt exhibit was great; I learned a lot from looking at his prints. At times, he used graphite and ink to accentuate or destroy certain details. Most of the prints were flawless, however, and at around 80 years old were just as vibrant as the day they were set. His shadow detail was amazing. His nudes left much to be desired. It was well worth the trip.

Since I have a reciprocal membership from the Columbus Museum of Art admission was free. The trip was gas and food. I ate at Crave, a restaurant on the ground floor of the tall building just below the flag in image 1. Good food, great atmosphere. The Mocha Maiden, a coffee shop around the corner alley, helped me get home proper. In one of the towns mentioned below
I found gas for 3.38!

On the way home, I decided to stop at the highest point in Ohio. This adventure took me through various tiny burgs, past old theaters and derelict feed depots...lots of corn fields.

At 1549 feet, it was easily missed...3 times. I was expecting something a bit more ceremonious than a technical school, which uses the location for a radio tower. Getting there was more rewarding than being there. The picture I have is proof, and may only be shown if I can make it to half a dozen or more high points.

FDA to Permit Irradiated Spinach

Bigfoot was a Hoax - Gasp!

Chemical Party made me laugh

HAPPY FRIDAY! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Art & Culture

Today I am headed up to the Akron Art Museum to check out one of their exhibits.

On display... Bill Brandt: Shadows and Substance. I've been looking forward to this one since my spontaneous stop over in Akron a few weeks back. The city is very easy to drive through and be unimpressed. 76, the feed highway, doesn't come anywhere close to the downtown. The highway view is all old factory and outskirt residential. The city itself is filled with beautiful Art Deco buildings, a throwback to when Goodyear was the powerhouse of the area.

It's a two hour trip each way, so my day is set. If you have the opportunity, spare 15 minutes and watch

Some of you may already be familiar with their work (because of the Oscar's).

I'll have pictures when I get back.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1:1 and 64 squares

I have just been informed that I am a finalist in Photographer's Forum's 28th Annual Spring Photography Contest! I entered submissions in both black/white and color categories; 10 total. They didn't tell me which one(s) put me in this standing. I'll keep you updated.

When I was in the Service, the only civilian contractors I had contact with were through dining facilities. They were easily identified by their yellow shirts. On Ft McNair, they were our KP only. Across the water at Ft Myer, it was a little old lady that ran the entire dining facility (dfac). She could be both bitter and sweet in the same running tirade. There wasn't a single soldier assigned to that location.

If contractors were any where else on these two posts, I didn't see them.

But, oh, how times have changed...

Military Contractors

Russia Never Wanted A War

A New Cold War?

Earthmine - JPL and Google Maps

Let us not forget that Georgia was the aggressor, not Russia. We continue to espouse the merits of democracy in practice, while turning a blind eye to the reality that even democratically elected officials are tyrants that subjugate their people and invade their neighbors.

Worldwide, elections are rarely won any more; they're stolen, often blatantly and complacently.

I can't help but see the hands of the biggest players rearranging their pieces, movements both subtle and obvious.

Ironically, the titles of these two photos are appropriate to the political stance of this post, while still holding true to their theological underpinnings.
Lie(ing) In Wait

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Weekend-Work Hangover

Working long hours every day of the weekend is not only exhausting, but ridiculous as well. There should be a law. I could pull photos from my archives, but that's not really my style. Fresh creativity is what I'm pushing here.

The show that I told you about back on August 10 was filled with hitches. Most (all) came from the venue and their willingness to support what I was doing. The bartenders were nice, but that surly fellow, that seemed to be perma-drunk from his amazingly long career working at a bar, was a consistent screw up and a complete @$.

Granted, loading a dvd player with a clearly labled disc, and pressing play at the beginning of each set is really hard work when compared to sitting on the front patio and watching the cars go by. I mean, it was a nice day.

The music was great, however, and I thanked the bands for the opportunity.
Happy Monday!
Save the planet? Buy it.

Top of the world, Ma. - pic

The Anti-Cancer Spice

Scientists copy nature to produce Hydrogen

A Look at what's ugly

Olympic opening singer

Data driven facial enhancement
I even helped a couple of ladies in distress by fixing a flat at 11pm. A jack that worked, a quality flash light, a hammer for that bent rim, a compressor for the donut (which was also flat)... a grumble from my audience 'don't need no boy to help me'... my response 'it's a good thing a man showed up.'

And you thought I was joking when I said I'd be blogging about it tomorrow. You're welcome, Maya ;)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Huh?, Hell...Pay Attention.

Painting a picture of the woman in green...

She plodded slowly through the intersection, her dingy poodle prancing before her. As she adjusted her ear bud (for higher quality sound) an old, beige station wagon thundered toward her. The driver didn't brake, opting instead to blast her horn. The pedestrian popped to attention, her hand still barely away from her head. She skurried across the road as the driver sneered past.

I nearly saw poodle pancake w/iPod soup.

Ah, to be so oblivious to your surroundings, set apart by musical bliss. It's like a fairy tale...or schizophrenia.

Many of my co-workers are picking up this trend of ear bud isolationism. I can't help but find it rude on more than one level.

Granted, work isn't (supposed to be) for socializing, but team playing seems pretty important across the board. Asking for attention, especially more than once and where inattention is intentional, is ridiculous.

Pardon me. Excuse me. Thank you for looking at me with disdain for this obvious intrusion in to your private party. I was just wondering if you'd care to participate in the world (people) around you. No? OK. Perhaps I'll catch you at a better time.

The technological (w)edge wins again.

Oh, The Science!


Amazing and scary things(some that go bump in the night) are afoot. Unfortunately, they're all happening on a larger scale than should be comfortable.

Two (American) Georgians Find Bigfoot

Archaeologists Glimpse a Green Sahara

Oceans Dead-Zone is Expanding

Clinton's Name to be Placed in Nomination

Bystanders Lift Bus off of Pregnant Woman

Deep Blue _and_ Strike 2

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Way We're Treated

Don't Do Drugs! They're bad. Except these... they're government sanctioned and forcefully lobbied.

I rarely have the opportunity to watch television; actually, I generally avoid it at all cost. The other day I was visiting a friend, and she had her TV on. My focus was constantly pulled from conversation to the tube. I was amazed at how many commercials were for pharmaceuticals of some sort. I was even more entertained by the possible side effects.

"Check with your doctor if..." was suggested, but for the most part it was all about self-medication. We're smart enough to do that, right? Certain restrictions apply.

Any more, I'm not so comfortable with the qualifications of doctors either. In my recent experiences they have pushed for ridiculous tests, haven't listened to symptoms before jumping to action, and on more than one occasion have tried to fear me in to thinking I had a psychological disorder...but that they'd have to do more tests.

My possible psychosis remains un-diagnosed.

Ill and in pain, detainee dies in US hands

The Pill makes women pick bad mates

Must have been an Engineer - pic

The Blogs of Obama and McCain -pic

Here are a couple more pics from my day in the woods.
Still Life with Water

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Skeletal Summer

Sunday night I had a dream that all the trees died, and hardly a leaf was left by morning. Oddly, I was the only one that seemed to notice... or care.

I spent all of Monday in the woods down on the Scioto River. I even found a little waterfall to wash my feet in.



...and Churn

There was news that happened while I was gone. I hope you found it somewhere. As for today...

Speaking of Waterfalls...

Lightning in slow motion

and, appropriately,

Bush to relax protected species rule

Russia ends Georgia operation - as if you didn't see that coming.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Call to, Wings.


Large Hadron Collider Operations Scheduled

For a Good Time, Call...

Don't Do Drugs - Amy Winehouse pics

Musharraf Impeachment

I'm collecting wings for a photo project. Keep your eyes open!

These were all scanned in at a ridiculously high resolution.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Way We Play

Every day's an eye opener...especially when you have to be at work before the sun comes up.

Amusing Water Attraction

Olympic Appology...from athletes

Parasite Turns Women into Sex Kittens

SoCal Hotspot


the porch is this green...


...not this green

Sometimes I get excited and forget to do the 'before' picture. As you can see, the sills have already been painted, as well as the house numbers and part of the base stone. I still need to clean the brick, but that probably will not happen before all the tuck pointing. Anybody down for scraping and painting? It's really, really fun.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Doom! Doom! Doom!

Nothing of what we know seems to be right. Truth and reality are rarely more comforting.

Do Submarines Kill Whales?

Working from Home - pic

Ice Age happened quickly

Ice Men - pic

Greyhound Slayer: Update

Fiscal Conservative - pic

12 yo Threatened with Arrest for "Unlawful Photography"

Perchlorate found in Martian Soil
So I give you new worlds to ponder...


Dark Worlds

These are not colored marbles of glass. They are clear, tiny spheres; soft and lens-like. Their purity is tainted by what lies beneath.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Way We War

"Mis-information is a weapon of mass destruction" - Faithless, from No Roots

New Book: Bush ordered fabrication of letter linking Saddam to Al-Q

The War on Scientists

Simply a Phone
Shane and I were finally able to hang out appropriately. I took him to 3 Creeks Metro Park, which my dad believes to be a land of carnage because of all the bones I find there. Guess what we found?

Future Fossils of America

Future Fossils...detail

It's a beaver, btw.

We found lots of toads, too.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Mind's In the Gutter

Happy Monday! A great, and tiring weekend.

Don't sound stupid...

Garfield Minus Garfield

GPS tracking the movement of a nation

Missouri town energy independent

My favorite part of the weekend was destroying a rotten section of the house. Thanks to Mike's super long ladder, I was able to come face to facia with my failing gutters.

Soffit and moulding removed

Tin lining, lining support and ridiculous amounts of tar patch removed (it wasn't working anyway)

Wear eye protection folks! 100 years of dust accumulation can be irritating and unpleasant. Stylish sunglasses don't cut it.

Since I was up there, I repainted some window trim...great for making the house look less dingy.

I'll keep you up to date on the re-fab!