Sunday, August 24, 2008

This Just In!..

Here's the image that made me a finalist in the 28th Annual Spring Photography Contest sponsored by Photographer's Forum.

Winners and honorable mentions were to receive notification by August 15th. Nothing for me, but I did receive my last notice a month late. No worries either way; a finalist is a finalist, and with over 3000 competitors that's not so bad. I still get printed in their hardback.

The book doesn't do titles, which is probably a good thing. I struggled with this one. Originally, it was subject-order (common in my work) lewes_beach_113. As I developed it further, it became Low Tide Explorers, but that was too playful and obvious. I am Sand, the current title, is much more contemplative and it's meaning open to multiple interpretations.

The taxonomy of photos isn't always so hard.

Ironically, I was wearing shoes when I took this photo. None of the feet are mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites. Glad to know that I am not alone in taste. Congrats again. Amomynous