Friday, January 30, 2009

History's Ghosts

The images on this Russian site are seamlessly eerie.

Photos taken 65 years ago during the Leningrad blockade have been re-shot and super imposed over the old war time prints.

I have to hand it to the photographer; his skill is impressive.

The author notes that the floating black capsules are 'balloons against aircraft'

Modern cameras are now starting to incorporate GPS into the meta data of digital images. Not only will you know the ISO, shutter speed and focal length, but you'll also know the precise location of image capture.

This kind of technology would've come in handy had it been around 75 years ago when the true masters of photography walked the Earth. Now, I feel, it's just additional information for future generations to sift through (should it make it that long).

Here's to film and prints!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What the Fructose Is Going On Here!?

HFCS(high fructose corn syrup) is nasty. Opinion. It's nasty, and in everything. Near truth.

A couple of years ago I heard that the average consumption of HFCS was 65lbs a year per person. Some modern estimates now top 80-90lbs. That's a lot of concentrated sugar.

That's a lot of anything, really, and as such should be elevated to "staple".

In comparison, I consume roughly 35-50lbs of peanut butter a year. It's a significant source of protein and fat in my diet. But, it's natural. Ingredients: dry roasted peanuts.(oil at the top, stir, refrigerate)

Now HFCS (reminder: in everything) is found to contain mercury! Yay! Heavy metals contaminate food supply...all of it. It's a good thing it just passes through our bodies.

Oh wait, no it doesn't.

In their defense, the Corn Refiners Association says that the above study is based on outdated science.

Funny then, that it was still detected in half the samples tested and nearly 60 name brand foods. Because of 'old science' you still have a 50% chance of poisoning yourself. And they knew that.

The CRA even calls to attention the all powerful, and not without lobbying power, FDA decision that HFCS can be labeled a 'natural' product. The government says, so it must be true.

I'm sorry, but corn on the cob is a natural product. (when it's not genetically modified) Pulverized peanuts are a natural product. Running a gamut of chemicals over food stuffs to get a highly processed end product... not natural. Using chemicals derived from known toxins... Modern Agribusiness.

Now it's time for my daily peanut butter and jam sandwich. Unfortunately, only one of the three necessary ingredients does not contain HFCS.

Know what you eat. Good luck.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Now THAT's a photograph!

1,474 megapixels.

W looking miffed; The villian Cheney; Permasmiling Laura; A sleeping Justice; People with four eyes... The details are amazing. Kudos to David Bergman for putting it all together.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Almost Predictable... Almost

With Bush on the way out, and he being a staunch supporter of Israel, it was no surprise that they (Israel) were allowed to continue such a brutal campaign against the people of Gaza. And, of course, just days before the inauguration of the new American President, the bombing has stopped. Israel's not sure about the new guy.

Cease fires barely make the news with history in the works. Americans are overjoyed that the end of an error is at hand. All this partying and merry making in the wake of the geography changing Israeli offensive... Once again, unsurprised.

I have to admit, however, that I was completely taken by Hamas' declaration of victory in Gaza. What? Really?

Now that's bold soldiering.

My time in service exposed me to mild irritants (read: excruciating) where chemical warfare is concerned. CS gas. By mild (see above) I mean watery eyes, constricted breathing, coughing, vomiting, excessive mucus formation (snot) and the occasional loss of bodily control. Having experienced such discomforts in multiple situations I was a bit unnerved when I found out that white phosphorous was being used during the above mentioned war. It's a brutal weapon.

Unfortunate as it is, the use of chemical warfare is not a modern invention. Each war of this century has it's own poison, but the history and practice of 'invisible' killers apparently goes back millenia.

Sinister, sad, and standard fare.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No $#!+

The emphasis lies in the punctuation.

For example, when I read this story about antibiotics "sprouting up in unexpected places" ie. entering the food chain, I used an exclamation point (!)

You see, I found this information to be quite logical, was not surprised, and was actually shocked that the so called experts had to do real science to figure it out. But then again, I'm a farm boy, so that whole circle of life thing is fairly familiar.

Moving on.

The question mark (?) dominated the statement on the story about Somali Pirates. I mean, who knew pirating could be for a noble cause? Especially in such an unfortunate country as Somalia.

By the way, the Pirate quotes in that article are great. I may search for more.

Onward and upward... maybe.

Atheists in London are uniting behind a new ad campaign: "There's probably no God, Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

I double punctuated that one (!?) or (?!).

I've read through and skipped over a flurry of Atheist articles and videos in the last week or so. Their prevalence isn't surprising, given the current Holy War(s).

Whether it's God's Flaming Sword, Rama's bow and arrow, or Muhammad's Qur'an... you can't keep a good god down.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Thank goodness that's over. Let's see if we can do better this time.

Since we're moving on, and with religion in the air (mostly because of war) I thought it appropriate to put theology aside for a minute.

According to Wired's article on evolution, Darwin's about to be 200. For those of you that are paying attention, so's Lincoln. He's getting 4 new pennies commemorating his life. (woo!)

Now that Ol' Abe is officially a nickel, one wonders what's in store for Charlie.

Speaking of Charlie...Manson this time. I came across a video taken 20 years after his crimes. The reporter asks him one question: Tell me in a sentence who you are.

Formulate your own opinion; they say goof ball, but I say Genius.

Welcome to the New.