Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Almost Predictable... Almost

With Bush on the way out, and he being a staunch supporter of Israel, it was no surprise that they (Israel) were allowed to continue such a brutal campaign against the people of Gaza. And, of course, just days before the inauguration of the new American President, the bombing has stopped. Israel's not sure about the new guy.

Cease fires barely make the news with history in the works. Americans are overjoyed that the end of an error is at hand. All this partying and merry making in the wake of the geography changing Israeli offensive... Once again, unsurprised.

I have to admit, however, that I was completely taken by Hamas' declaration of victory in Gaza. What? Really?

Now that's bold soldiering.

My time in service exposed me to mild irritants (read: excruciating) where chemical warfare is concerned. CS gas. By mild (see above) I mean watery eyes, constricted breathing, coughing, vomiting, excessive mucus formation (snot) and the occasional loss of bodily control. Having experienced such discomforts in multiple situations I was a bit unnerved when I found out that white phosphorous was being used during the above mentioned war. It's a brutal weapon.

Unfortunate as it is, the use of chemical warfare is not a modern invention. Each war of this century has it's own poison, but the history and practice of 'invisible' killers apparently goes back millenia.

Sinister, sad, and standard fare.

1 comment:

Jake said...

Imagine being suffocated by a dense could of sulphur. Ewwww... that's some serious cheese cutting going on.