Friday, January 30, 2009

History's Ghosts

The images on this Russian site are seamlessly eerie.

Photos taken 65 years ago during the Leningrad blockade have been re-shot and super imposed over the old war time prints.

I have to hand it to the photographer; his skill is impressive.

The author notes that the floating black capsules are 'balloons against aircraft'

Modern cameras are now starting to incorporate GPS into the meta data of digital images. Not only will you know the ISO, shutter speed and focal length, but you'll also know the precise location of image capture.

This kind of technology would've come in handy had it been around 75 years ago when the true masters of photography walked the Earth. Now, I feel, it's just additional information for future generations to sift through (should it make it that long).

Here's to film and prints!

1 comment:

Anastasija said...

Great research my friend!
Now I know, I do not spend enough time thinking about things like that (i mean war). The craft of the photographer is phenomenal. Spasibo!