Monday, August 18, 2008

A Weekend-Work Hangover

Working long hours every day of the weekend is not only exhausting, but ridiculous as well. There should be a law. I could pull photos from my archives, but that's not really my style. Fresh creativity is what I'm pushing here.

The show that I told you about back on August 10 was filled with hitches. Most (all) came from the venue and their willingness to support what I was doing. The bartenders were nice, but that surly fellow, that seemed to be perma-drunk from his amazingly long career working at a bar, was a consistent screw up and a complete @$.

Granted, loading a dvd player with a clearly labled disc, and pressing play at the beginning of each set is really hard work when compared to sitting on the front patio and watching the cars go by. I mean, it was a nice day.

The music was great, however, and I thanked the bands for the opportunity.
Happy Monday!
Save the planet? Buy it.

Top of the world, Ma. - pic

The Anti-Cancer Spice

Scientists copy nature to produce Hydrogen

A Look at what's ugly

Olympic opening singer

Data driven facial enhancement
I even helped a couple of ladies in distress by fixing a flat at 11pm. A jack that worked, a quality flash light, a hammer for that bent rim, a compressor for the donut (which was also flat)... a grumble from my audience 'don't need no boy to help me'... my response 'it's a good thing a man showed up.'

And you thought I was joking when I said I'd be blogging about it tomorrow. You're welcome, Maya ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not the first Good Samaritan to be faced with disdain from those in need. Thank God you are you. Amomynous