Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hangin' wit Johnny G

I had just seen him the night before at the annual Museum Ball, our aging astronaut. On Saturday October 4, Senator John Glenn, accompanied by his lovely wife, came to eat veal with 400 other well to do art patrons. Beautiful women in beautiful dresses filled the galleries and garden. Great fun. Let's do it again next year.

Sunday, we crossed paths again. I think he's following me. At an Obama rally on OSU's North Oval, the senator introduced Bruce Springsteen. The Boss sang patriotic songs (one about Youngstown) beside a massive American Flag. The opportunity to see two legends sharing a stage and a hug...and it's free? Sure, I'll go.

I didn't get the greatest patch of grass on the lawn; I was about a hundred yards from the stage. I did bring my long lens, which made up a bit of distance for my eyes.

Here are my keepers from the show. Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, Senator John Glenn, Bruce Springsteen, A Young Fan, and a street shot taken on the walk home. I call it Aroma.

1 comment:

Jake said...

I like the out of focus framing. Gives a good feel for the crowd atmosphere.