Friday, October 10, 2008

Political Brandy

The gastropodian pace at which we edge towards election day is mind numbing. Personally, I can't wait; I'm burned out on the process.

There is no news but politics, it seems, but I don't want this blog to become a soapbox. The media is concentrated, appropriately so. But the Super Bowl of governance (complete with theme music, flashy graphics, and play by play fact checking) has been going on for too long. Even the Energizer Bunny took a smoke break.

Hence, my less-than-daily notes.

I did find some interesting things to share, however. The first deserves a noted introduction.

I found this article in The Register, a British online journal. It was posted by an author in California. The story takes place a county away from me in Ohio. The story went around the world to go around the block! While Ohio is talking about the latest McCain visit a local 15 yo girl is arrested for dealing in child pornography.

Seems like the kind of thing you'd hear about in your hometown.

Second and last (and saved because best) is a story about a library. This is no government or public institution; It's an amazing private collection that puts my hodgepodge of a den to shame. Take a tour of Jay Walker's library.

Yes, his name's jaywalker.

I have to go outside...I think I see the sun.

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