Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ice Cream

There are fewer things more exciting than ice cream. There are so many flavors; sometimes it's hard to choose. Occasionally, one will come along and it'll just make sense. (think chocolate) You'll also find your rarities, usually specific to location, that can also be show stoppers. (salted caramel, pooh's honey pot) Sometimes we deviate, compelled by our sense of adventure. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. Sometimes we're met with combinations that are just plain nonsensical.

Here's a little bit of political ice cream for you. Make sure you eat slowly, so that it doesn't give you a headache.

Stewart and Colbert mock Palin choice

Carville vs. the Congresswoman

Juneau ..vs.. Juno

A Kiss for Hillary

↑ is just too funny.


Anonymous said...

A swing and a miss for Bill. First base for Barack. Amomynous

Jake said...

I like ice cream.